What is the Non Aggression Principle?
As Voluntaryists we oppose the initiation of force to achieve social or political goals. We reject “first-strike” force, fraud or theft against others; we only use force in self-defense. Those who violate this “non-aggression principle” are expected to make their victims whole as much as possible. This “Good Neighbor Policy” is what most of us were taught as children. We were told not to lie, cheat, steal, and not to strike our playmates. If we broke a friend’s toy, we were expected to replace it.
Simply put, voluntaryists take the non-aggression principle that most people implicitly follow in their interactions with other individuals, and apply it to group actions, including government actions, as well.
The super short version is: Don't hurt people and don't mess with their property.
Simply put, voluntaryists take the non-aggression principle that most people implicitly follow in their interactions with other individuals, and apply it to group actions, including government actions, as well.
The super short version is: Don't hurt people and don't mess with their property.
The Non Aggression Principle Explained (9 Min)